First Financial: Build technology and financial innovation Highland Optics Valley Financial Holding global recruitment of "partners"
2022-02-22 10:20:24

In 1976, in the eastern suburbs of Wuhan, at the foot of Nanwang Mountain, China's first quartz fiber was born here。Born and prospered by light, it is known as the "Optics Valley of China".。

After more than 30 years of development, "Optics Valley of China" from the "forgotten two centimeters on the map", among the national high-tech zone first phalanx, GDP ranked first in Wuhan, the market players reached 160,000, high-tech enterprises reached 4,200。

The outstanding development achievements of Optics Valley cannot be separated from the long-term nurturing of science and technology finance。

近年来,在武汉东湖高新区,As a state-owned financial investment platform, Optics Valley Financial Holding Group works with various scientific and technological financial institutions,Strive to build a financial service system for the whole life cycle of science and technology enterprises,More than 1,500 tech financial institutions are gathered here,其中创投基金管理机构145家,管理基金规模超900亿元。

这片产业投资的热土,A policy support system of "start-ups - gazelles - unicorns - listed companies" has been established,Create a "venture capital fund - guidance fund - talent fund" synergistic investment and financing ecology, "equity financing - technology guarantee - credit platform" technology financial service system,It has formed a good situation of listed enterprises "reporting a batch, counseling a batch, restructuring a batch, and reserving a batch"。

In 2021, Optical Valley added 5 listed companies, and the first share of Hubei New Year in 2022 was born here. The total number of listed companies in Optical Valley reached 54, and nearly 200 enterprises were selected for listing reserve every year, and the listed reserve force is strong。

In 2021, the equity financing of Optical Valley technology enterprises achieved explosive growth, with a total of 107 enterprises obtaining financing, with a total financing of more than 18.3 billion yuan, and the number of financing enterprises and the total financing have doubled。Among them, Optical Valley Financial Holding Group's equity fund investment enterprise Aibotek received 1.2 billion yuan of financing, refreshing the single financing record of Optical Valley biological enterprises。In January this year, the Optics Valley equity financing market continued its strong trend, and more than 20 technology enterprises obtained equity financing, with a total financing of more than 2.3 billion yuan。

The effective docking of financial resources and scientific and technological resources is bursting out strong vitality and vitality, helping Optical Valley to lead the rise of Central China with innovation drive, and making Optical Valley shine on the innovation map of China。


As a national central city under construction, Wuhan leads the country in science and education resources, with 92 universities, 81 academicians, 1.3 million college students, and one in every ten Wuhan people is a college student。Among the 15 sub-provincial cities in the country, Wuhan ranks first in the number of universities, State key laboratories (28), and National Engineering technology Research centers (18)。Among them, Optics Valley gathers 42 institutions of higher learning, 56 national and provincial research institutes, more than 300,000 professional and technical personnel and more than 800,000 college students, which is one of the three major intellectual intensive areas in China。

How to transform the advantages of science and education and talents into advantages of innovation and development, so that resources can be moved, talents can be gathered, and industries can be revitalized, this hot land has been seeking a path to break the problem。

In 1987, Wuhan took the lead in the country to put forward the strategy of "building a city through science and education", emphasizing that science and technology face the main battlefield of economic construction。However, the high-tech industry has the characteristics of high investment, high risk and high output, lack of financial support, research and development can not be guaranteed, and scientific and technological achievements are difficult to transform into real productivity。

为了唤醒沉睡的“知本”,10多年前,武汉开始探索科技金融之路,We have successively introduced policies to support financing for technology enterprises and loan pledges for patent rights,Optics Valley's two tech smes eat soup,Obtained a loan of 8 million yuan from the bank through the pledge of patent rights,Become the first batch of enterprises in Wuhan to obtain loans with scientific and technological achievements。

Wuhan's efforts to promote the close integration of science and technology and finance have also been recognized at the national level。2007年,Wuhan won the first batch of national science and technology insurance innovation pilot qualifications;The year 2009,Wuhan East Lake High-tech Zone was approved as a national independent innovation demonstration zone,Get the policy support of carrying out the equity incentive, deepening the reform and innovation of science and technology finance and so on;The year 2015,Wuhan Metropolitan Area became the first approved science and technology financial reform and innovation pilot zone in China;The year 2016,Wuhan East Lake High-tech Zone became the first batch of pilot areas for investment and loan linkage;October 2020,East Lake High-tech Zone has become the country's first science and technology insurance innovation demonstration zone。

In the process of innovation pilot, Wuhan East Lake High-tech Zone has formed six special mechanisms of institution establishment, operation mechanism, financial products, information platform, direct financing, and financial supervision, and built the "East Lake model" of financial service system for the whole life cycle of technology enterprises.。This model has been promoted to the whole country by The State Council as the second batch of reform measures to support innovation。

Optics Valley Financial Holding Group, an important carrier for the development of science and technology finance in East Lake High-tech Zone, has been established for 4 years,Actively implement the "Six special mechanisms" for technological and financial Innovation,构建“投贷联动”体系,累计投放资金超112亿元,带动社会资本规模超820亿元,撬动杠杆比例近8倍,Inject strong financial force into Optical Valley's scientific and technological innovation and industrial development。

Enabling scientific and technological innovation and laying out the scientific and technological financial system, Optics Valley Financial Holding Group has controlled or participated in 10 scientific and technological financial institutions。In January 2022, Optical Valley Technology Financing Guarantee Company increased its capital to 1 billion yuan, and the total loan can be enlarged to 10 billion yuan。

According to the requirements of the Wuhan Science and Technology Innovation "Ten actions" work plan, Optical Valley Technology Bank, Optical Valley Technology Securities, Optical Valley Technology insurance and Optical Valley technology leasing and other franchised institutions are also planning to build, Optical Valley Financial Holding full license modern technology financial system will gradually improve。

Optical Valley Financial Holding Group has also set up a fund cluster and initiated the establishment of three parent funds - Optical Valley Industry Fund, Optical Valley Venture Capital Guidance Fund and Optical Valley Partner Fund, to meet the financing needs of technology enterprises at different stages of development。It is reported that the Optical Valley Financial Holding fund cluster covers the full cycle of "angel-VC-PE-Industrial fund - mother fund", with a cumulative investment of more than 1,000 projects, of which 45 participating enterprises have been successfully listed, and the scale of participating funds exceeds 230 billion yuan。

2017年12月,500亿元光谷产业基金启航,Centering on the three major goals of "undertaking national strategy, serving 100 billion plates, and cultivating innovative enterprises",An investment system for participating in national strategies, laying out industry leaders and innovative technologies has been initially formed,围绕光谷产业发展,Focus on optical core screen end network, life health trillion industrial cluster layout,推进光谷科技金融改革创新。At present, the scale of the participating fund exceeds 223 billion yuan, with a cumulative investment of more than 500 optical core screen end network industry chain enterprises and more than 150 life and health industry chain enterprises, forming a "optical Valley model" of "promoting production with finance".。

At the same time, in order to lay out the business ecology of "science and technology finance + platform service", Optical Valley Financial Holding Group operates three science and technology financial platforms such as finance, credit and science and technology innovation, and builds Optical Valley science and technology financial information hub。Among them, as an important carrier of the "East Lake model" of credit system construction, Optics Valley credit service platform has gathered 11 million credit information data, covering more than 150,000 market entities, and supporting small and medium-sized enterprises to complete 1917 innovative financing, with a total amount of financing reaching 85.14亿元。

当前,国家全面启动科创金融2.0 Reform experiment, East Lake High-tech Zone is actively applying for the national innovation and innovation demonstration zone of science and technology finance, Optics Valley Financial Holding will take the comprehensive service system of science and technology finance, fund cluster enabling industry system as the main starting point, actively explore the full elements of science and technology finance, the whole chain, and raise the "flag" of Optics Valley science and technology finance.。

Capital escorts the growth of core technology enterprises

Since its establishment more than 30 years ago, Optics Valley has always regarded enterprises as the main body of innovation and development。Here, every day is staged enterprises from scratch, from small to large legend。这背后,资本的力量功不可没。

In August 2017, in Wuhan International Students Pioneer Park under Optical Valley Financial Holding Group, Wei Jun and his wife, who studied abroad in the UK, established Ruijian Medicine。Under the incubation of the incubator, the company's two internationally leading patents on in vitro induced nervous system were simultaneously authorized。

In order to support the further growth of the enterprise and accelerate the transformation of results, in January 2019, the Optical Valley Talent Fund of Optical Valley Financial Holding Group completed an angel investment of 3 million yuan in Ruijian Medicine。In July 2020, Optical Valley Financial Holding's equity sub-fund Renfu Industry Fund and Hehua Capital completed a Pre-A round of investment of 30 million yuan in Ruijian Pharmaceutical。In August last year, Ruijian Pharmaceutical announced the completion of nearly 100 million yuan A round of financing。At the end of January this year, the company completed A round of financing of nearly 100 million yuan。In less than 5 years, Ruijian has grown to become a leader in the development of chemically induced adult cell drugs。

It is reported that in the past five years, as many as 337 start-up technology enterprises that have received the dual support of "free funding + equity investment" from the Optical Valley Talent Fund, 34 enterprises have obtained follow-up financing, and the cumulative financing amount is 7.29亿元。

The total investment size of Optical Valley Talent Fund is 11.600 million yuan, becoming one of the most active angel funds in the country。After the investment period of the fund expires in 2020, it will be upgraded to the "Optical Valley Partner Fund" with a scale of 1 billion yuan, and the talent factor will be directly included in the return calculation for the first time, and the sub-fund investment in Optical Valley talent enterprises and early-stage talent enterprises will be given 1.2倍和1.The 5x reinvestment identification weighting, with market-oriented means to guide high-quality investment institutions to pay attention to, invest and introduce high-level talents, the declaration prerequisite and investment quota can be benchmarked against similar guide funds in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Suzhou and other places。In 2021, the application of the fund has been started, and the declaration of social investment institutions is accepted all the year round。

The Optical Valley Fund continues to strengthen its ability to lead social capital, and the Optical Valley Venture Capital Guide Fund, Optical Valley Partner Fund, and direct Investment Fund "perform their respective roles" to fully tap the growth value of Optical Valley technology enterprises。

At the end of December last year, Hua Yincore announced the completion of 1.3亿元B1轮融资。At this point, the Optics Valley Gazelle enterprise, which was established only 4 years ago, has completed 5 rounds of financing totaling hundreds of millions of yuan。As early as August 2018, Hubei Science and Technology Angel Fund and Optoelectronic Education Fund, which are shares of Optical Valley Financial Holding Group, completed 1 million yuan and 7 million yuan Pre-A round of investment in Huyincore, respectively, which effectively supported the continuous development of enterprise technology research and development。At present, the performance of flip, vertical, high voltage and Mini/Micro-LED chips and light sources independently developed by Huayin Core has reached the world's first-line level。

Since the launch of the science and technology Board, the pace of Optics Valley technology enterprises landing in the capital market has been accelerating。In July 2021, Zhongke Tongda (688038) successfully landed on the Science and Technology Board, which is the 13th science and technology board enterprise invested by Optical Valley Financial Holding Fund, and the first listed enterprise invested by Optical Valley Financial Holding direct Investment Fund。

In the early days of entrepreneurship, Zhongke Tongda also faced financing difficulties。In order to solve the company's urgent needs, the Donghu Productivity Promotion Center of Optics Valley Financial Holding Group helped the company obtain a loan of 20 million yuan and obtain a financial loan discount interest。

In 2014, Optical Valley Financial Holdings Direct Investment Fund also participated in the investment of Zhongke Tongda, investing 29 million yuan, which is one of the earliest local capital of Optical Valley to firmly support its development。

In the development process of Zhongke Tongda, Optics Valley Financial Holding firmly accompanied the growth of the enterprise, strongly supported the development and growth of the enterprise, and finally successfully landed on the science and Technology innovation board, and finally realized the "four or two" effect of government funds。

To measure whether innovation and entrepreneurship are active in a region, the status of enterprise equity financing is an important "barometer".。According to the "Optical Valley Technology Enterprises 2021 Equity Financing Report", in 2021, a total of 107 Optical Valley technology enterprises received financing, with a total financing of more than 18.3 billion yuan, an increase of 187%。Among them, more than 70% of the financing enterprises are "hard technology" enterprises, concentrated in biomedicine, integrated circuit semiconductor, artificial intelligence and other fields。

“硬科技是吸引投资的基础。Wu Pan, general manager of Dachen Financial Intelligence Hubei, said that in recent years, more and more "hard technology" startups with independent research and development capabilities have emerged in Optics Valley and occupy the commanding heights of the market。For investment institutions, this means that Optical Valley has many high-quality investment targets, and it will further increase human, financial and material input to invest in Optical Valley technology enterprises。

According to the above report, in 2021, a total of 26 technology companies in Optical Valley will get the capital help of head investment institutions, accounting for 24 percent.29%;29 financing cases were invested by head investment institutions, accounting for 22 of the total financing cases.66%。Among them, Sequoia Capital, Deep Venture Capital, Dachen Financial Wisdom have invested in a number of technology companies in Optics Valley。

Then throw venture capital hydrangea to do "Optics Valley partner"

To find more start-up venture capital "angels" for Optical Valley technology enterprises, the scale of the second phase of the Optical Valley Venture Capital Guidance Fund in East Lake High-tech Zone will increase by 2 billion yuan in 2022, in order to boost the Optical Valley venture capital ecology to upgrade again。

Looking for high-quality partners, Optics Valley Financial Holding innovates investment strategies, carries out diversified docking modes for the leading equity investment institutions in the market, and achieves accurate matching of the fundraising needs of high-quality institutions。At the same time, we pay great attention to local listed companies and leading enterprises, and combine the industrial pattern and characteristics of high-tech zones to effectively allocate resources and enrich the equity investment of the whole life cycle of industrial ecology。

It is reported that the first phase of the Optical Valley Venture Capital Guide Fund guided the establishment of 22 sub-funds, a total of 277 investment projects, more than 60% of the investment in Optical Valley local science and technology innovative enterprises, effectively supporting the high-quality development of Optical Valley innovation and entrepreneurship。

2021年,Post-optical Valley recovery and high-quality development came to a successful end,"14th Five-Year Plan" beautiful start: Hubei East Lake Science City construction started,5大湖北实验室挂牌运营,Three major science and technology infrastructures and two national technology innovation centers were approved,High added 1,100, a total of 4,200,地区生产总值突破2400亿元,百亿级规上工业企业达到6家。In 2022, Optics Valley will gather its strength to build a world-class East Lake Science City, accelerate the creation of a "world Optics Valley" with global influence, and sprint to the goal of a regional GDP of 300 billion yuan...Optics Valley, which is running at high speed on the national innovation and economic track, is taking great strides towards the goal of "world Optics Valley"。

在这一征途中,作为社会资本投资光谷的合伙人,Optics Valley Financial Holding will continue to deepen the integration of all resources,To build Bridges between government departments, investment institutions, intermediaries, and technology enterprises,全面构建完整周期科技金融体系,Create a "tropical rainforest" optical Valley capital ecosystem,Promote the deep integration of financial capital and Optical Valley strategic core industries,To accelerate the construction of Hubei East Lake Science City, accelerate the "world optics Valley" to contribute science and technology and financial strength。